Full width repeating panels/datagrids in material theme


“This doesn’t work” isn’t a particularly useful way to help us find what’s going wrong! In particular, it’s hard to tell what you’ve tried already. (Check out this guide to asking a good question on the forum)

Can you share a “Copy this app” link so we can take a look?

In the absence of that, here are some stabs in the dark:

  • You need to set the full_width_row container property on the component(s) in the ColumnPanel that you want to make full-width.
  • If you have nested ColumnPanels, remember that the inner ColumnPanel also needs to be full_width_row in its container.
  • If you’re adding a component with code, remember that full_width_row is a container property, so it needs to be passed as a keyword parameter to add_component()
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