Face value date time on DatePicker to server

No, they are events that occurred at a point in time that can be represented in different ways depending on your locale, language, alphabet and time zone.

If you ask an English when D-day started, they will say 5:30, if you ask a French they will say 6:30.

My Anvil apps often list documents or events with their creation time. The user is often interested on their freshness. Created 30 min ago is fresh, 3 hours ago not so much. Can you imagine the mess that would come if users in California and in New York got the same time of an arbitrary tone zone? The same document would be 30 min old for one and created in the future for the other.

The clean way to do this is to store the time in UTC, regardless of where the server is located (because data is often stored in several servers distributed in different tone zones), and adjust it according to the browser’s time zone. I don’t find it wrong or silly, I don’t see any problem with it.

Storing non time zone aware times instead can be very confusing and error prone. Looking at the time stamp of an iot event recorded at 6:30 in New York while sitting in front of a computer in California at 4:00, that sounds silly.