Display correct Local Time with DST Change

All, thank you again for your help and insights, thought I would share my final solution.
(still need to revisit for some exception handling)

@jshaffstall the JS works for me, I added . . .

    from anvil.js.window import Intl
    time_zone = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone
   print(f'JS TIMEZONE IS: {time_zone}')

. . . and in the console!

JS TIMEZONE IS: America/New_York

Which I can then pass to my function as the override.

Background on the function: I am consuming some data from multiple data sources, all return data as a list of dicts with all dates as string values in UTC. Wanted a single function that I could pass the response from any of these sources and provide dates in any flavor for other purposes.

Tried to be a little verbose in the doc string so other newbies like me might be able repurpose.

def dates_process(lst_of_dic, lst_date_keys, str_strip, str_pretty="%b %d %Y %I:%M %p", timezone_override=None):
    Create date objects and pretty strings for specified keys in passed dic.

    For each dict in list and each date_key in dict.  Convert the field to datetime object with tz=utc.
    Then convert the utc to specified local timezone(ins) and America/New_York(est)
    Then create pretty strings of all three.
    The original data is returned with six additional key/values appended to each dict for each field.

    Passed data needs a key "timezone" with string recognized by pytz or must be passed the override parameter.
        i.e. "America/New_York

    Creates new key/values for:
        [orig]_utc_dtm as aware datetime object in utc
        [orig]_ins_dtm as aware datetime object in instructors default timezone
        [orig]_est_dtm as aware datetime object in America/New_York timezone
        [orig]_utc_str as string in utc
        [orig]_ins_str as string in instructors default timezone
        [orig]_est_str as string in America/New_York timezone

    :param lst_of_dic: List of dicts as data rows
    :type lst_of_dic: list

    :param lst_date_keys: List of date dict keys to process exp. ['start_time', 'created_at']
    :type lst_date_keys: list

    :param str_strip: String format of the date string to convert to datetime
    For each data source the original date string format of the time may be slightly different
    and str_strip will depend on source data.
    exp. "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%fZ"
    :type str_strip: str

    :param str_pretty: String format for pretty presentation of date.  A default is defined  for consistent
    presentation across the app but can be overridden
    exp. "%b %d %Y %I:%M %p"
    :type str_pretty: str

    :param timezone_override:
    :type timezone_override: str

    :return: lst of dicts appended with new dtm fields
    # lst_date_keys = ['start_time', 'created_at']
    tz_utc = pytz.timezone("UTC")
    tz_est = pytz.timezone("America/New_York")

    for m in lst_of_dic:
        # Use either passed time zone override or read from 'timezone' key in dic
        if timezone_override is not None:
            tz_inst = timezone_override
            tz_inst = pytz.timezone(m['timezone'])

        # for each date key passed, apply date functions derriving new key names from original
        for f in lst_date_keys:
                # Create date objects
                m[f'{f}_utc_dtm'] = dt.strptime(m[f], str_strip).replace(tzinfo=tz_utc)
                m[f'{f}_ins_dtm'] = m[f'{f}_utc_dtm'].astimezone(tz_inst)
                m[f'{f}_est_dtm'] = m[f'{f}_utc_dtm'].astimezone(tz_est)
                # Create pretty strings
                m[f'{f}_utc_str'] = m[f'{f}_utc_dtm'].strftime(str_pretty)
                m[f'{f}_ins_str'] = m[f'{f}_ins_dtm'].strftime(str_pretty)
                m[f'{f}_est_str'] = m[f'{f}_est_dtm'].strftime(str_pretty)


    return lst_of_dic