Data visualizations from my jupyter notebook to display in my anvil app

To expand on that: you can send the data that goes into making the plots, but you can also send the plots themselves as Media objects.

It’s often a good idea to use the client-side Plotly library (not least because it gives you Python event handlers so your plot can interact with the rest of your app). But you can use other plotting libraries too, on the server-side…

Matplotlib, Seaborn, Pandas

If you’re using Matplotlib, Seaborn or Pandas, you can create Media objects containing images by calling anvil.mpl_util.plot_image() (you don’t need to call

You can return this to the client-side, then use it as the source of an Image component, download it from a Link, or save it to a Data Table.

    img ='make_plot')
    self.image_1.source = img
    self.download_lnk.url = img

Bokeh, Altair, Pygal

Bokeh, Altair and Pygal all write HTML or SVG plots to a file. You can create a Media object from that file, return it to the client, then embed it in an IFrame component. This gives you a dynamic plot embedded in your app!

Clone link for IFrame component:

Here’s a Bokeh example. Creating a plot in a Server Module:

import anvil.server

import numpy as np
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show

def make_plot():
  # Point Bokeh at a file

  # Make a nice wiggle
  x = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.02)
  y = np.exp(-x) * np.cos(2*np.pi*x)

  # Plot it in the usual Bokeh way
  p = figure(width=600, height=300)
  p.line(x, y)

  # Save the plot  
  # Return this plot as HTML in a Media object
  return'/tmp/bokeh.html', 'text/html')

Include the IFrame component as a Dependency, drag-and-drop it onto a Form, then do this:

  def __init__(self, **properties):
    # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.

    # Any code you write here will run when the form opens.
    media_obj ='make_plot')
    self.i_frame_1.url = media_obj.get_url(True)