Content Suggestions

I would love to see a resource on how to make a scroll-able panel. My naive solution just doesn’t work on Safari, so there’s something I’m missing for sure. This seems to be a fairly fundamental feature that I couldn’t find any info on.


I think a nice blog summarizing this conversation would be greatly useful.


Anything multi-threaded, calling thrift services, advanced UI topics



Just in idea; But some tutorials about front-end design would be awesome!
Maybe “how to convert a simple figma design to anvil”.
Or “how to create your own Material Design 3 design”


I’d like a blog/tutorial on all the breath of the GoogleMap functionality!

  1. Version control for database structures,
  2. how it differs from version control for source code, and
  3. how those differences affect common development and deployment workflows, e.g., long-lived “feature-implementation branches”.

Being a newbie, I would like a bird’s eye view of anvil to see how things are related to each other. Ideally, a diagram. It took me nearly an hour of reading docs and making experiments to figure out what Native Libraries are (is, actually!), how /_/theme/ is related to assets, what anvil.js does, what are HTML templates and why it is best not to touch that… I guess it is possible to draw a picture of all the Anvil so that such things would be evident at the first glance.

A tutorial on WebAssembly best practices would also be appreciated.

I also wonder what not to do. Anvil gives so much freedom that it is easy to abuse it. You know, some people do not enjoy breaking their toys…


Along the lines of…

…I’d really like a tutorial that walks through the default theme.css and standard-page.html and explains what each part does (in a way that assumes only basic knowledge of CSS and HTML) to enable us to tweak things more confidently and efficiently.


I’d love to see a tutorial/how-to on collaborating with other people on an Anvil project via Github. I know there’s a workflow there that allows the full range of what I’d expect to have in a team environment (feature branches, pull requests, etc) all integrated with Anvil. It’d be nice to have that spelled out.


How about a blog on workarounds to achieve SEO for anvil apps, e.g. by including the app in an iframe on a static webpage, and discuss site loading performance issues and mitigations (assets for you app will be downloaded each time when in an iframe?).

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  1. Automated testing. I have seen a lot of discussion here about it, but I have yet to see an elegant approach.
  2. External collaboration via GitHub (open source projects, etc.). Again, I have seen a lot of discussion (some outdated) and have yet to see an elegant solution outside of just collaborating within Anvil via the Business Plan.

I feel like there’s an ‘Anvily’ way to do things, or there should be, similar to how there are ‘Pythonic’ ways to do things.


A good idea would be to have a tutorial and more detailed advise how to build an anvil app fit for mobile (PWA). How to combine local (mobile) datastores with server side data, caching.


It would be nice if we would have more material design widgets to our disposal (also those fit for mobile development).

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I’ve been hoping to see a tutorial on integrating Anvil with IoT devices. Would be cool to see how it’s done in a real-world scenario.

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Have you seen this one? Get Started with the Pico W (

If so, can you say more about what you’re looking for, beyond that?

Definitely me and maybe also many other people with some SaaS app in mind would appreciate that!

Why? SEO was and is up to today my single biggest concern about choosing Anvil as the eco-system for my SaaS-App.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Requests for help from China

  1. More help videos
  2. Translate Guides to another langs

@Ilqar are you able to specify exactly which kinds of help tutorials you are looking for?

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We need more detailed helps about Anvil’s specific topics such as Data bindings, Repeating Panels and so on.
Moreover, Guides and Helps should accumulate Forum’s topic and cases so that Developers using Anvil will understand before starting projects what they can build in Anvil and what cannot