Capturing Form component attributes into a data structure

In general, if I don’t do databinding at design time, I write/read values to/from the components from code, I don’t setup databinding from code (I have never done it, I don’t know if it is possible).

I guess @anvil might chime in (whether or not possible)

I asked because I thought your earlier example implied setting up data-bindings against arbitrary objects (i.e., you mentioned – object "self.truck" instead of the dictionary "self.item"). But from the follow-up reply (immediately above), it looks like you’re performing manual copies (sans Anvil’s data-binding facility).

To be honest, Data Bindings isn’t documented well (though 99% of the docs are exemplary and beyond compare - I’ve mentioned that). I guess one can blame the newbie (me, and I’m fine with that); or, consider that if a newbie doesn’t fully understand data bindings, what can be improved and fleshed-out in the Data Bindings docs.

Anyway, I’ll continue my observational trials because that’s the way I’ll figure this all out.

Thank you for the inputs! :slight_smile: