Capturing Form component attributes into a data structure

Good morning again @stefano.menci @jshaffstall

Okay, I won’t serialize the Forms (I didn’t like the whole form idea anyway, as I alluded). However, I will be serializing component attributes populated by content creators, which are the simplest of data types (True, False, int, str, etc) and shouldn’t pose a problem.

The SubForm’s components, look & feel, UI/UX, will never change even one bit (that’s not the content creators role). They are complete as I have designed them.

So, I’ll just do:

  • For content creator: Instantiate SubForm1(…); unhide only components material to the content creator; let them complete it; and finally capture the relevant attributes of the now-populated SubForm1() instance (not the whole Form) into a Data Table.

Then, do the reverse (unwind this) for the servey taker:

  • For Survey Taker: Read in attributes dict() from the Data Table; Instantiate a SubForm1(…) (initially all or most components are hidden); populate that instance’s content-related attributes from said dict(); and finally, unhide only those components material to the servey taker; and off the servey taker runs.

I’ll know how which “render path” to take (content creator versus survey taker) based on eMail login (the User table has an is_SurveyTaker boolean column).

Again, there are no dynamic Forms (I’ve designed them and they won’t change). Only component attributes values change and whether or not to make them visible.

So I think I see how to approach this (as I just described).

I just need to read up on Data Bindings (which I’m doing now). That seems useful as described by @meredydd and described by @stefano.menci

Thank you for the guidance! :hugs:

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