[Bug] [Anvil App Server v1.6.5] anvil.users.force_login and anvil.users.login_with_email


Not sure if it helps but I have a similar approach based on that example. However in my app the actual ‘login’ happens from the client not the server. The server call only returns if an error was found.

if choice == 'login':
  username = d.username_box.text
  user_email = f"{username}@blobber.nl"
  err = anvil.server.call('_user_login', user_email, username, d.password_box.text)
  if err is not None:
    d.login_err_lbl.text = err
    d.login_err_lbl.visible = True
      anvil.users.login_with_email(user_email, d.password_box.text, remember=True)
    except anvil.users.AuthenticationFailed as e:
      d.login_err_lbl.text = str(e.args[0])
      d.login_err_lbl.visible = True