Best Practices Adding/Removing From DB

As thenerdypathon said he had to put the logic of adding a row into server code. Thought the idea of clients is to move the logic into the programm itself?

I have the same problem adding to tables with Anvil complaining: anvil.tables.TableError: Cannot automatically add column ‘???’ to this view

But the table has that row as a linked row or as a normal value row availble. Any advise?

The user has total control over their web browser - this is true for all web apps.

So access to data must be controlled by the server. See the Security Model section of the reference docs for more information.

Regarding your specific error, it sounds like you have tried to access a column that does not exist. If you are able to provide some more information, we may be able to identify your problem more precisely.

Here are some tips on getting accurate answers to your questions: