AppOfflineError: Connection to server failed (1006)


I am having the same problem sometime. To be honest I am worried about the error between Anvil and (1006) is something else to deal outside Anvil , I use Uplink and the function continues but the client sees AppOfflineError: App is offline

AppOfflineError: Connection to server failed (1006)
at AddComponent, line 56
AppOfflineError: App is offline
at anvil-services/anvil/users/, line 83
called from anvil-services/anvil/users/, line 83
called from AddComponent, line 68 ``` 

I also tried the code below from forum to increase time out, but also this function is listed in the error above

def timer_1_tick...

def ping():
  return "pong" ``` 

The error AppOfflineError: Connection to server failed (1006) can cause to Anvil error AppOfflineError: App is offline?
