[App Server] Sending e-mail from local App Server - No SMTP server

Hi Ken, (this one is in reply to … “As an old mentor once said”)
:grin: :grin:

You are right. I stacked a bunch of problems and they ended up mixing and making difficult to find root causes.

Regarding the first problem I believe it has to do with the fact that I run the server inside Docker.
Here is the result of my investigation.

I was trying to add the parameters like you said, which is ok when running without Docker. (I mentioned that I was running inside Docker, but I didn’t emphasize on that fact, so probably it passed unnoticed)

Now, with Docker the thing is a bit different as the image has an Entrypoint section which has the command that is going to be executed on start, with some predefined parameters.
So, to be able to add parameters to the ones existing you have to somehow override that Entrypoint.
The way I found, was directly in the docker run command (there are other was for sure).
But something to take into consideration is that all the parameters must be passed after the name of the image and not after the command of the Entrypoint. (I copy the command I used to make the point clearer)

docker run –entrypoint anvil-app-server -v /C/ProyectosSemanticos/Anvil/AppsWeb/FeedbackFormMio:/apps/MainApp -v /C/ProyectosSemanticos/Anvil/anvil-data:/anvil-data -p 3030:3030 anvilworks/anvil-app-server –app MainApp --data-dir /anvil-data

… and here you should be able to add the rest of the parameters as well.

A bit more explanation to put context to the problem:

The application resides in the host machine, outside the Docker container.

What I do is to map the application folder “FeedbackFormMio” (on the host machine, Windows) to the default application folder of the runtime engine “MainApp” (inside the Docker container ), using the -v option.
With this command it runs fine, and it doesn’t matter in which folder I’m standing, because I’m mapping the right folder.

And now, after discovering the Entrypoint matter, it all runs as expected.

I’m glad I could find out this solution, and I hope this helps anyone else trying to do things the hard way (like me :smile: :smile:)

Thank you!!
Warm regards!!!