`anvil.server.InternalError: Internal server error: b5e90f0b9b13`

Hi @mcmasty,

Thanks for posting this, and I’m sorry that the error message wasn’t more helpful. Looking at our logs, it seems that the reference to the Media object in the table row is somehow invalidated by passing the row through the task_state object. To help debug this, please can you try re-loading the row by ID to see if that helps? Assuming your table is called log_entry_db, your code would become something like:

if 'log_entry_db_row' in le_t_data and not components[1].visible:
    row_id = le_t_data['log_entry_db_row'].get_id()
    reloaded_row = app_tables.log_entry_db.get_by_id(row_id)
    internal_file = reloaded_row['alternate_file']
    le_list = json.loads(internal_file.get_bytes().decode())

Does that make a difference? Also, can you please try with Accelerated Tables turned on, and with it turned off?


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