Anvil Documentation Suggestions [ON-GOING]

When trying to implement Stripe charging on the server. I followed the documentation code below…

def add_card(token, email):
  user = anvil.users.get_user()

  if user['stripe_id'] is None:
    customer = anvil.stripe.new_customer(email, token)
    user['stripe_id'] = customer['id']
    customer = anvil.stripe.get_customer(user['stripe_id'])


I think the last code line - customer.add_token(token) is in the wrong place. Should it not be…

def add_card(token, email):
  user = anvil.users.get_user()

  if user['stripe_id'] is None:
    customer = anvil.stripe.new_customer(email, token)
    user['stripe_id'] = customer['id']
    customer = anvil.stripe.get_customer(user['stripe_id'])

as the adding of token is only applicable in the case of an existing Stripe customer found. For a new Stripe customer is created with a token added.

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