Anvil app server - MS Azure and Ubuntu 20.04

Hey there.

I don’t think I’ve tried to get it working without SSL as far as I understand.

I will have to resarch how to do that.

I did however try starting a new VM. Last time I chose Ubuntu 18 accidently. This time I chose Ubuntu 20 (just as Ryan did). I followed the same steps (but added a CNAME as suggested) and now when I run:

anvil-app-server --app my_app --origin --letsencrypt-staging

Nothing happens lol. I just see the print out:

Found Anvil App Server JAR in package directory

The command line comes back to my control and no web server starts up (I think that is the right terminology).

I think this might be progress but I’m not sure :slight_smile:

EDIT: I can also see that despite my network security rule, the machine is not listening on port 443 when I check with sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN .