Access statistics to my app

Hi there,
I wonder how do you guys cope with the task of collecting statistics about who’s visiting your app.

My first question is: is it possible to download APP’s session information I see under APP’s log?

I thought I could log sessions on main form’s onShow event, logging the anvil.server.context.client object to the DB.
BUT this approach doesn’t work for me since the APP I want to monitor is a demo app I share with people. Since there is no possibility to share the app without sharing its tables, doing so would share visitor’s data too.

Third idea: I could simply print() the client information and get the info I want in APP’s log but here comes again question n.1: will I be able to download that data?

Maybe there are more efficient ways to accomplish that, that’s why I’m asking here.
Maybe a Google Analytics in the assets for instance?

Thanks for your ideas and time.

Downloading app logs is not currently supported according to this FR.

I would suggest using Google analytics or other methods discussed on the forum.

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