About data binding with custom components

I think I found the solution. I don’t understand why it works with dictionaries and not with texts, but now I have a working custom component.

Here are the steps to get the custom component text property to play nice with the data binding:

  • In the Use as component dialog:

    • create the change event
    • create the text property
    • check the allow data binding write-back in the text property settings
    • choose the change event in the drop down
  • raise the change event when the text changes:

    def text_box_change (self, **event_args):
      self.raise_event('change', **event_args)
  • create both the getter and the setter for the text property:

    def text(self):
      return self.text_box.text
    def text(self, value):
      self.text_box.text = value