3D Models in Anvil Environment

I’m wondering if I can upload and view 3D files in Anvil (STEP, STP, SLD, etc). I’ve used X3DOM in the past, but I’m not sure how I can integrate this (https://doc.x3dom.org/gettingStarted/pythonSimpleHTTP/index.html).

Is there a pre-existing way to do this?



Inserting the example HTML from the x3dom tutorial works when using an Anvil custom component. So presumably there would be a way to save that HTML and use it on demand (hopefully a safe way).

I do not know what STEP, STP, etc, files are. It would be helpful if you added links to them. Or better yet, are you able to share a clone link with some sample images saved in a DataTable as media objects? This way others can play around to see if they can make them appear inside of a basic app.

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