Windows installer for anvil-app-server


I have been struggling with constisency installing and getting anvil-app-server to run on windows.
So, to save time in future projects i have decided to create a windows installer which saves huge amount of time (at least for me).

A bit context of the installer.
It will install git 2.47, python 3.13.1, vcredist 2013 and amazon coretto at their default locations.
Then it will place the following files at C:\AnvilAppServer (default location and can be changed):

  • nssm.exe (exe for registering windows service)
  • install.bat (a script that you shall be run after you have downloaded your anvil project)
  • run.bat (a helper script that is being triggered by install.bat)

So, the guide is pretty simple

  1. Download and follow the instructions by the installer
  2. Create a windows user with non admin rights
  3. Download your anvil project (eg with git clone) inside eg C:\AnvilAppServer
  4. Run install.bat and Done!

If you are interested in trying the installer it can be found here:

Please note that this version is in very early phases, so please run this on a fresh computer or VM.

Any feedback is appreciated.