TypeError when calling a column from data table into a dropdown

I’m trying to build a dropdown filter. I have four dropdowns.

Behind each dropdown is a table columns that contains the options. Each table has one column so far, set to text. I got this code from the forum to connect the columns with the drop down:

def regionDrop_show(self, **event_args):
    """This method is called when the DropDown is shown on the screen"""
    self.regionDrop.items = [row['region'] for row in app_tables.region.search()]
  def subjectDrop_show(self, **event_args):
    """This method is called when the DropDown is shown on the screen"""
    self.subjectDrop.items = [row['name'] for row in app_tables.subject.search()]
  def schoolDrop_show(self, **event_args):
    """This method is called when the DropDown is shown on the screen"""
    self.schoolDrop.items = [row['type'] for row in app_tables.schooltype.search()]
  def ageDrop_show(self, **event_args):
    """This method is called when the DropDown is shown on the screen"""
    self.ageDrop.items = [row['agelevel'] for row in app_tables.age.search()]

It throws a TypeError saying: items must be a list of strings or tuples. But not when I run the paragraphs individually, especially without the ageDrop, everything seems to work just fine.

I am a beginner at all this, but willing to learn! So if you have any hint, I will educate myself.

Welcome, @teachpotatoes, to the Anvil Community Forum.

Just two quick guesses.

  1. What is the type of this table column? Number? Or Text? If it’s Number, then you’re going to get a list of numbers, not a list of strings. You can convert to string: str(row['agelevel']).
  2. Can any of these values be None? None is the initial value of every column in every table.

Thank you p.colbert, so kind! Apparently the error was, that the columns contained a bunch of empty rows … I deleted those and now it works with that code! Awesome. Thank you so much!!

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