Theme styles between old M3, M3 Beta and Anvil-Extras

I’m not really sure if I should ask this here in the forum or as an issue in anvil-extras or the material design 3 github page, but I think the question of “where should I ask this” could be here.

I have a few apps, including old apps from the old Material Design, the old Material Design 3 and a new one using the M3 Beta.

I’ve been experiencing issues with components “losing” their style when coming from old theme dependencies to M3 Beta.

This is a MultiSelect DropDown from Anvil-extras when using in an old app that recently started to depend on the new M3 Beta.

This is the same component, but on a native M3 Beta component.

Is there anything that I can do to use the correct themes for the anvil-extras components? Or should I do a workaround of creating the app first as the old design and the upgrade to the new one?

I think anvil-extras github issues is probably the best place for this. Since it’s anvil-extras specific.

The multi-select dropdown relied on inherited styles from the old M3 theme. And since the M3 beta tries to isolate it’s theme to avoid conflicting with other dependencies, it’s not really the job of M3 beta to do the styling of a third party component.

As M3 Beta becomes more stable we will likely make components more in keeping with the new theme. Or provide instructions on what css to add etc.

What is your timeline for taking M3 Beta out of Beta? I am asking because I ran into a similar issue with the slider component. Or should I do a workaround of creating the app first as the old design and the upgrade to the new one? as gabriel suggests?