I’m not really sure if I should ask this here in the forum or as an issue in anvil-extras or the material design 3 github page, but I think the question of “where should I ask this” could be here.
I have a few apps, including old apps from the old Material Design, the old Material Design 3 and a new one using the M3 Beta.
I’ve been experiencing issues with components “losing” their style when coming from old theme dependencies to M3 Beta.
This is a MultiSelect DropDown from Anvil-extras when using in an old app that recently started to depend on the new M3 Beta.
This is the same component, but on a native M3 Beta component.
Is there anything that I can do to use the correct themes for the anvil-extras components? Or should I do a workaround of creating the app first as the old design and the upgrade to the new one?