Technical Analysis for Anything

I recently launched TA-Anything: Technical Analysis for Anything. It’s embedded in my website via iFrame at TA-Anything.

TA-Anything makes it easy to apply stock-market technical analysis tools, such as trend indicators, oscillators, and more to nearly any timeseries data set. It’s psuedo-scientific at best but I built it out of curiosity to explore what these analytical tools can reveal about non-stock market datasets. I’ve starting blogging about some of the more interesting charts I’ve found at

The backend uses anvil uplink for pandas and the python technical-analysis package. I plan to add additional indicators and features over time.


This is very cool.
Would you consider having the app loaded with some test data (stock or currency dataset) so that visitors to the site could trial the functionality without uploading data?

Thank you! That’s a good idea - I’ll try to implement along with a few other features I’ve had in mind such as the ability to export chart data.

I wonder if you could share your code (is it on GitHub)? I am trying to figure out how to use Anvil uplink but I find it quite confusing.