Strip Comments From Published App

(moved to Feature Requests and edited slightly)

I notice that in a published app all comments in the client side form are there for all to see (if you go looking with the browser inspector).

Any chance all comments could be stripped out of client side forms & modules?

They’re of no use in a published app anyway and it exposed some rather embarrassing comments to a client of mine. My clients like looking for things they think might give them an advantage. Means I have to be careful too, but they are pointless.


Docstrings might benefit from the same treatment. You probably won’t put them in forms, but you will certainly see them in client-side modules, esp. some third-party modules.

Possible problem with docstrings is that as far as I can tell it’s also a legitimate way to create multiline strings.

My understanding was, if the string appears in certain places in a module, and is never assigned to a name, then it is a docstring, no matter how many lines or the type of quotes used. Conversely, if it appears in other places, or is actually assigned to a name, then it is not a docstring.

This is a good suggestion, thanks for raising it. We’ll prioritise it as usual.