Option to skip boilerplate

Every time I create a form, I remove:

  • The anti-pattern from anvil import * line
  • The “# Set Form properties and Data Bindings.” comment
  • The “# Any code you write here will run before the form opens.” comment

Every time I add an event handler, I remove the default comment.

Every time I create a module or a package, I remove the entire content.

Any chance I could not have to do this?

Perhaps an option for minimal default content or some way to define my own templates?


There’s a FR somewhere from me going back 4 years for that :slight_smile:

I have a suspicion there might be one from me too!

+1 for this!!

And this gets me to 20 c

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It’s doing my head in. In the last three days, I’ve built 7 new apps for three different clients.

Form count is around 50.

Module or package count something like 25.

I’d really like not to have to do this any more.

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I’d even settle for a keyboard shortcut to remove some of them when I’m in the code editor. That might be easier to code :person_shrugging:

I agree with the FR, but…

75 form / modules in 30 hours??
Holy cow!!

That kind of productivity justifies a script to run on your local repository and replace all the precanned comments and imports :slightly_smiling_face:


Can we have this thread hidden please? I don’t want my customers thinking that this level of productivity is possible, they might want me to do it!


It wasn’t a normal week, I promise! Just one that prompted this fr.