Iterating over many rows in linked table

I have a table that references itself in a one to many relationship, i.e. each row can be related to plenty of rows in the same table.

I need to find all related rows to the row selected by the user. here is what I tried

for table_accessory in
      for accessory in table_accessory['requires']: # here is where the error points to.
        if accessory_id == accessory.get_id():

yet I get an error

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
at order_mainframe, line 43

I would rather be able to do a search on related contains accessory_id


It looks like, for at least one row in app_tables.accessories, column requires is empty (None).

You could check for this before the second for. (E.g.,
if table_accessory['requires'] is not None:

Or add conditions to the .search() call, so that it skips over the empties. See the Querying Data Tables cookbook for examples.


As @p.colbert says, your second loop is trying to iterate over a None.

I would suggest just searching for the target row (based on the ID derived from the user’s selection), and using that row as a filter in your accessories table.

In other words,

  • grab the single row that corresponds to accessory_id (let’s call it “target_row”)
  • return rows from table_accessory where the requires columns contains “target_row”

# notice that you can pass a list to search within a multi-linked row[target_row])

Here is what my self-referencing table looks like:

I can then show that row 1 and 3 are related to the target row:

for related_row in related_to_target:

# output

Here is an app to demonstrate:

I hope I’ve understood you correctly and that this helps.