Forgot Password

Hi Anvilians!

For some reason I suddenly forgot the password I used to my newly created user.

I tried the “Forgot Password” functionality but I still haven’t received the reset email.

Is this a bug?

Thank you,

Is this a user account with an Anvil app (ie via the Users service), or an account on

Unfortunately, what makes a spam filter tick is black magic, but here are some suggestions:

  • First off, check the spam folder in your email client

If you’re trying to sign into an Anvil app:

  • Try setting a nicer published URL for your app (the long-string-of-letters for a private app might make spam filters suspicious)
  • You can even try using a custom domain + SMTP server
  • Add to your address book
  • If worst comes to worst, you can get the app owner to manually reset a password in the Users service config

If you’re trying to set up an account on

  • Add to your address book
  • Drop us a line at (telling us what address you signed up with, when you hit the Forgot Password link, etc) so we can investigate