[Fixed] Row.update(**dict) not working with no changes in my code

What I’m trying to do:
One of my SAVE functions is suddenly throwing an error
What I’ve tried and what’s not working:
Examining code but nothing changed there
Code Sample:

    row = app_tables.rfas.get(rfa_id=vRecID)

This is error I’m seeing, no idea where this is pointing me to even start looking at data and such:

ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required at /downlink/anvil/tables/v2/_row.py, line 420 called from [RFAServerModule, line 64](javascript:void(0)) called from [RFA, line 130](javascript:void(0))

What I"m reading is that this error is often triggered by erroneous datatypes in the dictionary…

Thanks for reporting @dconnell - this sounds like a bug in accelerated tables.
Looking at the code path I have an inclination about what is causing it.

  • Could you paste the print statement of pdict?
  • Where is the location of the code - server, uplink, client, open source runtime?
  • Did the column names of your table change recently?

Hi Stu,

I added a column to show date delivered, and I reordered the columns in the data tables UI/IDE. I did index the current_client column for full text search.

A test pdict is pasted below:

{‘company_type’: ‘Cybersecurity Services’, ‘due_date’: datetime.date(2022, 9, 13), ‘TCE_one_up’: 0, ‘other’: ‘Cybeta LLC Self-Check’, ‘intel_format’: None, ‘current_client’: ‘Internal-General’, ‘rescan_interval’: 0, ‘company_name’: ‘Cybeta LLC’, ‘engagement_type’: ‘Other’, ‘author’: ‘dane.connell@cybeta.com’, ‘overwatch’: False, ‘ow’: ‘N/A’, ‘date_delivered’: datetime.date(2022, 9, 16), ‘notes’: ‘Self-check to see if our own methods reveal anything derogatory prior to possible check by or on behalf of BNY’, ‘submit_date’: datetime.date(2022, 9, 29), ‘company_tld’: ‘cybeta.com’, ‘comprehensive’: False, ‘num_findings’: None, ‘owner’: ‘dane.connell@cybeta.com’}

ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required at /downlink/anvil/tables/v2/_row.py, line 420 called from RFAServerModule, line 63 called from RFA, line 119

The code is a callable server task.

Thanks for looking into this,


This should now be fixed