[FIXED] JavaScript error shows up a lot in my App Logs

ExternalError: TypeError: this.$resolveArgs is not a function. (In ‘this.$resolveArgs($posargs,$kwargs)’, ‘this.$resolveArgs’ is undefined)
at [Updates, line 13](javascript:void(0))
called from [Nav, line 15](javascript:void(0))

It happens in multiple forms and I don’t know why. The code that is supposed to generate the error (“Updates, line 13” in the debug log above) always refers to the class definition of the form:

class Updates(UpdatesTemplate):

Hi @tomka - i’ve moved this to bug reports.

Are you able to provide a clone that demonstrates this behaviour?

Sadly not, so far I’ve not been able to reproduce the error myself, I just see it in the app logs a lot.

I can send the link to the app to any staff member, though, so they can check the logs and the code themselves.

I have just started seeing this behavior since using get_url_hash to route from a QR code (url). Doesnt appear from debug sessions but does happen when linking to the app from a url.

ExternalError: TypeError: this.$resolveArgs is not a function. (In 'this.$resolveArgs($posargs,$kwargs)', 'this.$resolveArgs' is undefined)
at src/lib/anvil/util.py, line 17
called from src/lib/plotly/graph_objs/__init__.py, line 2
called from src/lib/plotly/graph_objects.py, line 1
called from src/lib/plotly/__init__.py, line 1

called from import plotly.graph_objects as go

Will send a clone link and url link to support@anvil


Thanks for your patience on this one.

We’ve identified the bug and a fix will go live soon.

The bug was isolated to the latest version of safari (14+) on mac_os and ios.

It was sporadic which made it particularly difficult to reproduce and narrow down.
We believe the bug is somewhere deep inside Safari’s updated runtime engine, which means we can’t fix the underlying problem. But we have found a way to stop Safari from tripping over itself!

Thanks @rickhurlbatt for sharing your app - it was invaluable in getting to the bottom of it.

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Hey, the pleasure is all mine. Always great to hear it was somebody else’s fault! :grinning:

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