[Fixed] Accelerated Tables Beta - bug?

Just tried the Accelerated Tables Beta and got the following error:

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

triggered by this line:

useremail = anvil.users.get_user()['email']

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Thanks for reporting - moved to bug reports.

@apearce I wasn’t able to reproduce this with a simple example

  • is this in server or client code?
  • is it in the IDE or in a published version or both?
  • are you able to create a clone that demonstrates the issue?

If it’s in client code could you try doing a hard refresh.

I have also been experiencing the same problems. Here is a clone link demonstrating the issue

Just sign up there and observe the print statements from the server call.

Update: I had assumed that this problem happened due to excessive columns but I think this is not the case anymore.

@divyeshlakhotia thanks for the clone that clears it up

@apearce it’s a bug in the basic python 3 environment.

I was unable to reproduce since I was running it on “full python 3”.
We’ll get that fixed and update this thread.


This should now be fixed


Thanks @stucork.

Sorry, I was away from the computer all day.

Hadn’t realised that app was still on Basic Python.

All working now and much faster!