Facebook Authentication Not Continuing

Hi! I’m using Facebook authentication facebook.auth.login() and when users are entering their password they see the same screen instead of continuing. This isn’t happening in incognito mode on Chrome. Not sure if it’s a bug on Facebook’s end or here :confused:

Hi Colette,

I did some testing on my end and I can get FB authentication to work in Chrome and Firefox. I have not tested this on Internet Explorer.

I use Microsoft authentication in my apps and Internet Explorer will not work (users are asked to close a tab, and are sent in a weird authentication loop). I’m told that IE doesn’t play nice with Anvil (or the world) at times.

Are your users not able to sign in only when on IE, or does this happen in Chrome and/or Firefox as well? Have any users, including yourself, been able to sign in?

(Moving to Bug Reports - should have done this sooner, sorry!)

I believe this issue has now been fixed (we have corresponded with @colette offline about it)

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