Editing HTML as exposed attribute on custom html form

When using a custom html form as a component, a feature that allows editing the HTML as a form attribute when constructing and handling the object would be great.

Also, the existing YouTube video component seems like it could be extended to have start, end and current time properties accessible.

Thank you. I have enjoyed exploring your product.

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Take a look at this thread. It might help you a bit :

Thank you. I explored the YouTube video PLAY/PAUSE state tracking.

Is it simple to have the video start at a particular location when loaded and end at a particular location. The YouTube links embed this already so I thought I would work around and build a custom html form that can load a YouTube iframe and handle parameters in the url with Python.

Use case example: user can enter the start time in the form and jump to that location with a quick page reload or developer can handle that information for a richer application experience.

But then it isn’t straight forward to handle the custom html link with the client side python. Am I missing something? Thanks!