Client Readable View vs Filtered Search: Best Practice

In the interest of secure, clean code, is it better to return a Client readable view based or a filtered search from the server based on the user’s role/permissions? Does one or the other give more or less functionality?

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Here’s what I think is the case (assuming you have the default permissions i.e. No Access client-side and Edit access server-side).

It matters if you return a table from server-side
but doesn’t matter if you return a search iterator from server-side.

e.g. Server Side

def get_table():
  return app_tables.table_0

def get_readable_table():
  return apptables.table_0.client_readable()

def get_writable_table():
  return apptables.table_0.client_writable()

Client Side

table ='get_table')
table_r ='get_readable_table')
table_w ='get_writable_table')

with table I can’t do anything
with table_r I can call search and get but can’t edit
with table_w I can edit rows

If you return a search iterator then there is no need to use client_readable:
return app_tables.table_0.client_readable().search(column='foo')
is equivalent to…


Ok great. Thanks very much Stu