[Beta] Development app is served with the published URL

After following these steps you should have an app with a published version with one button and a development version with two buttons, instead you end up with both published and development versions with two buttons:

  • Create a new app
  • Add a button to the form
  • Click Publish 'master' branch, then click Yes
  • Click on the URL of the published version → a new tab opens showing the app with one button
  • Switch back to the IDE tab
  • Click Close
  • Add another button to the form
  • Switch back to the published app tab
  • Refresh the page → two buttons are visible

Hi @stefano.menci,

This is working exactly right! You published a branch, which created a URL pointing to that branch, you then continued working on that branch, and the URL continued to point to that branch.

If you would like to publish a URL that points to a fixed, unchanging version of your app, right click on the commit you would like to publish and choose “Publish this commit”:


So… still not one-click publish solution like in the old editor? :slight_smile:

I am ok with the new Version history. I understand how to use it, I can and will use it.
Beginners are ok with the old one-click publish workflow of the old editor. That’s one of the things that made Anvil great for some time now.
I can’t imagine a beginner to be able to smoothly manage the two default environments with the new interface as easily as with the old one.

I read the documentation and I understand all the advanced workflows, but I can’t figure out an easy one.
I was able to use the old workflow on minute one without reading the documentation.

I think the features on the old UI were just fine. Anything more than that is welcome (more than welcome, it’s awesome!!!), but shouldn’t be confusing for beginners.

The new UI out of the box should be as easy to use as the old one. Clicking on a commit should have a publish or unpublish and a revert button that work just like the old UI.

Then context menu on the commits could show more options, including one to enable the advanced mode that would replace the publish/unpublish/revert buttons with the new commit/merge/etc. buttons.