[SOLVED] Allow to reset container col_widths within a container/column panel

Please allow to reset the column widths of a container from the IDE.

Sometimes, after adding a few label and textboxes to a column panel, dragging their widths, deleting some, adding some others and dragging widths again, all the components end up with not being aligned and it’s impossible to drag the separators to make them the same width.

I wasn’t able to find their width exposed anywhere, so I cloned the app, edited the yaml file changing this:

- type: ColumnPanel
  properties: {role: card, col_widths: '{"HICGHI":25,"KQRIVJ":35,"FZDWXU":25,"SSPBYU":40}'}

into this:

- type: ColumnPanel
  properties: {role: card, col_widths: '{}'}

Then I pushed, reopened the app in the IDE and I was finally able to drag the separator in a fresh environment.


I had the same exact problem and each time I deleted and rebuilt the components layout from scratch.
Your idea (to work it out in the yaml file) is already a step forward to me.
Nevertheless I sponsor your request, absolutely. :+1:

Hi folks,

You can double-click on any column separator line to delete all column widths from that row and reset them back to the default equal spacing. Is that what you need? If so, I shall treat this a bug in the documentation!


Yes, that’s what I need.

What about adding a tooltip to the separators that says “ctrl+click for smaller movements; double click to reset to default”?